Casey Villhauer, owner and pharmacist at Vaxi Taxi, gives a dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to construction worker Safet Tabakovic on Sunday atop a minaret he is building at the Islamic and Cultural Center in Granger. Vaxi Taxi, established in July, is an independently-owned vaccination service of pharmacists who focus on homebound populations, like high-risk patients, busy parents, and underserved communities.
"The way I describe it is an Uber for vaccines," said Villhauer. "[We're] meeting people where they're comfortable."
Vaxi Taxi held the event at the Islamic and Cultural Center Bosniak on Sunday morning and hoped to vaccinate 300 people. Elvedin Sivac, president of the mosque, was among those who got their first shot of the two-dose vaccine.
Olivia Sun/The Register